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All Things Nova Scotia

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Famous Nova Scotia Recipe - Tomato Mush on Toast

Day One here at my Country Kitchen. We'll start off with something simple (especially for you dumb city-slickers). It's my famous Tomato Mush on Toast. Here's the recipe (I've typed it slowly cos I know some of you can't read quickly):Ya get yourself a large can of diced tomatoes (as opposed to carded ones) - then ya gets 4 to 6 eggs (you'll have to judge how much juice you want, the more eggs the less juice). That's the basic concoction. To that, you add the extra ingredients that you like - I suggest onions, ground pepper and some small pieces of green pepper.When ya got it all in a bowl, ya beat the heck out of it (make sure the eggs are out of the shells first). Then pour it into a frying pan that has a small bit of oil (cooking oil, you dummy) and turn the burner on (duh ...). Place frying pan on burner and wait until the eggs, tomato and stuff start to come to a slow boil. Now you're ready to pour it over some toast (I assume you know how to make toast).. For those of you who find that the tomato mush slides off the toast - use a plate (shhhheeeeee)


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